Thursday, July 22, 2010

Contract Financing

OK, this is a really cool concept. If you have a client that offers a unique product or service to bond rated investment grade customers listen up! If their service is provided under a contract term that creates a fixed payment stream, and they have been restricted in growth because they don't have the capital required to purchase the equipment necessary to provide services to larger clients, I just found a gold mine. Keep reading.


If you are looking for equipment and/or working capital to fulfill existing or future contracts, we have the product for you. It’s called Contract Finance and it will allow you to go after bigger, more profitable contracts than you have in the past. Two components are necessary for this structure;

 First, is a product or service that requires equipment and/or working capital for your business to provide for your customers.
 Second, a fixed-term contract ranging from 1 to 15 years with your customers.

These two items just may give you the capital you badly need.

In fact, you may have avoided pursuing larger contracts because you were unable, or concerned about having enough capital to fulfill the contract. If this strikes a responsive cord, don’t delay. Call us and we just may be able to help you.

Please contact us for more detailed information regarding this product.
Suzy Oubre

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