Friday, May 14, 2010

Going above and beyond

Question: Do you know Jack Daly?

Today we won’t focus on the fact that he built six businesses from scratch.

Instead, let’s highlight his follow-through that leaves a severely sweet impression upon his would-be and would-not-be clients. This ultimately leads to repeat business and to his own brand of success.

We hope his impression lends some leverage to your commercial loan origination game.

Daly’s End-Game Modus Operandi:

Execute his product or service sales pitch.
Regardless of outcome, thank the client for their time and exit accordingly.
Head to the lobby or reception area of the building, send a quick “thank you” email via mobile device.
Bust out his “Money Bag” full of stationery, write a “thank you” card, slap some postage on it, and mail it to the client for their time and consideration from their own building.
Excessive? Hardly. Thought-provoking and unique– yes.

There’s room for nice in every industry–even commercial hard money lending. Nice can be Oprah-expensive, or quite affordable.

Hand-writing a “thank you” card is an effective and inexpensive way to build reputation and authority. It’s genuine and real.

If you ever need an energetic, great speaker and educator Jack Daly is a lot of fun.
Here is a recent quick tip he sent to me.

Suzy Oubre
Alliance Commercial Credit Group

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