Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, August 22, 2011

Time for Q & A

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Aug 20, 2011

Welcome to Alliance Commercial Credit Group

Dear Suzy,

It's hard to believe that summer is already half over, and if you have kids it's time for back-to-school shopping. It's a crazy time for working parents everywhere.

As the economy continues to slowly improve, we who are in the trenches know how difficult it is for recovering businesses to borrow money. Alternative financing has been very busy so far this year, so now is a good time to discuss the cash-flow dilemmas that improving business are experiencing. Increasing sales can mean negative cash flow, and the higher the sales, the worse the problem. So, how can we offer cash-flow assistance for clients who don't show the same operating profits over the last several years and who can't currently qualify for a line of credit or loan? Let's look at a couple of Q & A scenarios:

Q: I have a client who I can't offer a line of credit to at this time; however, if they continue to show positive trends and profits this year, I will be able to give them a credit facility. What can I do to help?
A: If your client sells products or services to other businesses and has assets, i.e., accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, or commercial real estate, we can put together bridge financing to help with their short-term cash-flow needs during their recovery. You can provide all the cash management services / operating accounts today, and we can offer the line of credit until the bank can administer a more traditional line of credit.

Q: Can you help with a client that owes money to the IRS or any other taxing authorities?
A: Of course! We do this all the time. Many decent business owners don't pay their taxes when times are tight, such as during the last downturn. Most banks are unable to help until these issues have been resolved. But when banks have to say no, we can offer these companies a credit facility. We'll help them get a simple repayment plan in place, or even an offer in compromise (OIC) depending on what assets they can leverage.

Q: If I have a client whose business is still losing money, what can I do to help?
A: Businesses can lose money several ways, including but not limited to: incorrect job costing, too much overhead, too many employees, inefficiencies in production, low sales or market share, etc. Often, a business owner knows his or her trade skill, but lacks the financial understanding that is required as a business grows. There are many things we can do to help a troubled business, so feel free to recommend your clients to us. Debt restructuring is a large part of what we do. In fact, refinancing and debt restructuring often go hand in hand.

In summary, we are here to help you secure future relationships and to preserve old ones. Let's discuss how we can help your clients and/or prospects for whom you serve as a financial advocate. Together, we'll help business owners quickly identify areas of weakness, and offer a solution that makes them financially stronger, faster

Call us today at 1-877-594-9423.

Enjoy a cup of Starbucks on us just for making us your first call!
If you have to say "no", call us at 877-594-9423

Issue: 3
In This Issue
Finding Financing in a Battered Economy

Deja vu comes to mind. I wrote this article in 2002. Click on the link to see how history repeats itself.

Alliance Commercial Credit Group

8002 NE Hwy 99, Ste 503
Vancouver WA 98665

Office 877-594-9423
Fax 360-859-4577

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Alliance Commercial Credit Group | 8002 NE Hwy 99, Ste 503 | Vancouver | WA | 98665

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Off and Running

Welcome to 2011! This year is off to a good start, and I expect it will continue to rebound throughout 2011. I've seen several emerging businesses which is a great sign for our recovering economy. Also a breath of fresh air for arranging financing. The birth of a new company is always rewarding...vs salvaging and restructuring business loans. Alliance Commercial Credit Group just closed on the first loan for the year. A 2 Million dollar Commercial Real Estate bridge loan. The cash out from this transaction was used to pay off a credit line as well as first mortgage that the bank wanted to exit.
My New Year resolution is not going to the gym, no new diet, just simply to try to figure out this blogging crap..:) and, I'm going to make a point to go out and meet all the branch managers of each bank. I know that a lot of smaller transaction die at the branch. Smaller isn't bad because our next generation of new entrepreneurs are emerging, and they will be the ones we want to invest time into helping them grow. There are options... check out this article about factoring.
Enough for now. I wish you a great new year!... and call me for deals you need help with! Suzy

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Contract Financing

OK, this is a really cool concept. If you have a client that offers a unique product or service to bond rated investment grade customers listen up! If their service is provided under a contract term that creates a fixed payment stream, and they have been restricted in growth because they don't have the capital required to purchase the equipment necessary to provide services to larger clients, I just found a gold mine. Keep reading.


If you are looking for equipment and/or working capital to fulfill existing or future contracts, we have the product for you. It’s called Contract Finance and it will allow you to go after bigger, more profitable contracts than you have in the past. Two components are necessary for this structure;

 First, is a product or service that requires equipment and/or working capital for your business to provide for your customers.
 Second, a fixed-term contract ranging from 1 to 15 years with your customers.

These two items just may give you the capital you badly need.

In fact, you may have avoided pursuing larger contracts because you were unable, or concerned about having enough capital to fulfill the contract. If this strikes a responsive cord, don’t delay. Call us and we just may be able to help you.

Please contact us for more detailed information regarding this product.

Suzy Oubre

Friday, May 14, 2010

Going above and beyond

Question: Do you know Jack Daly?

Today we won’t focus on the fact that he built six businesses from scratch.

Instead, let’s highlight his follow-through that leaves a severely sweet impression upon his would-be and would-not-be clients. This ultimately leads to repeat business and to his own brand of success.

We hope his impression lends some leverage to your commercial loan origination game.

Daly’s End-Game Modus Operandi:

Execute his product or service sales pitch.
Regardless of outcome, thank the client for their time and exit accordingly.
Head to the lobby or reception area of the building, send a quick “thank you” email via mobile device.
Bust out his “Money Bag” full of stationery, write a “thank you” card, slap some postage on it, and mail it to the client for their time and consideration from their own building.
Excessive? Hardly. Thought-provoking and unique– yes.

There’s room for nice in every industry–even commercial hard money lending. Nice can be Oprah-expensive, or quite affordable.

Hand-writing a “thank you” card is an effective and inexpensive way to build reputation and authority. It’s genuine and real.

If you ever need an energetic, great speaker and educator Jack Daly is a lot of fun.
Here is a recent quick tip he sent to me.

Suzy Oubre
Alliance Commercial Credit Group

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Haiti Benefit

This Friday at 6 PM at the Woodland High School
Woodland Rotarian Club

Check out this video. Haiti Earthquake

Donations are also accepted