Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Have you voted yet?

O.K. enough about work and finance. Time is approaching fast. Are you going for the Pigs in lipstick McPalin campaign or The Obamanator?

Don't be shy... I'm waiting for your comments.

Keeping it light,

Sunday, October 5, 2008

You need a business loans and the banks won't lend

I'm watching the news as it keeps talking about all the business failures and lack of business lending. For years now I've been educating the local bank marketplace on options so when they have to say NO that the customer has options. There is a big wide world of lending outside of the FDIC regulations that I hope that small business owners figure out. I hate it when people fail that didn't have to....

Here is an copy of the newsletter I publish... the current crisis has been well on it's way, this was written back in 2006.

Alternative Lending for Small Business